As you can see, blogging did not go so well in Ethiopia. We had sporadic internet connection and no power on some days. Sooooooo, now that we are home, I can post a few of my favorite photos from the trip.
The first set is from the two day trip after my initial post. We traveled south of Addis Ababa to the Kambata region and stayed in the "town" of Hosanna. From there we traveled into the countryside to see the village that is important to Haley's past. What was supposed to be a three-hour trip turned into an eight-hour trip, swerving along as we dodged goats, mules and cows wandering in the one and only long road. I won't go into detail on how I lost my lunch and dinner along the road; as curious Ethiopians gathered around watching the foreigner vomit, I couldn't help but wonder if I would retain any dignity by the end of this trip. The answer came over the course of the next few days: no.
I regret not being able to take more photos, but the camera was the last thing on my mind at the time. Hope and David traveled well, and although they were tired from the trip, they did not get sick at all. In fact they sat in the back of the bus and played Go Fish!
Beautiful faces.
A variety of dwellings throughout the Ethiopian countryside.
The view from our hotel "suite"in Hosanna.
LOVE the pictures! So glad you all are home with your precious little one :) ...The Petits
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