Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

"Mom, I had the best day EVER!"
So I'm trying not to think of the other 1,825 days that we've spent together when my daughter tells me this upon being picked up from her first day of kindergarten. Nonetheless, today she apparently had the best day ever of her long 5 years of existence. She loved kindergarten and chatted about it all afternoon! Today was a half day, though, so I imagine tomorrow - the first full day - will wipe her out.

What a milestone for our munchkin!
Who doesn't love a little Grape Nuts to start the day off right?
Laugh at me you may for taking a picture of her French braid. But I have been trying to perfect this thing for two years now! Not too bad. You try to braid pure silk and see what you come up with!
Haley dressed in her best pair of pajamas for the occasion.

Future student scoping it out.

Come on in, Hope!
"What?! She's going to be gone all morning? Now what? I'll see what trouble I can get into on the stove before she comes home!"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

CCC Annual Beach Day

Each year our church holds a sand castle contest out at Wrightsville Beach. While Hope labored to build a credible castle, Haley ate all the leftover sand. We're so fortunate to have two girls who LOVE the beach and the water!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Haley's Baptism

And the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call . . . Acts 2:39

What a sweet day for our family! Haley was baptized on Sunday. She and her sister, Hopey, both wore Ethiopian dresses to celebrate.

As our pastor baptized her, she responded with peek-a-boo. Naturally!

What better way to celebrate than by diving into the donuts!

I love that face!

Peek-a-boo little bean!

Crazy grandparents!